Anyhoosers - I haven't been doing too much. Went home to the parents' house on Friday, and just got back this afternoon. It wasn't the usual relaxing, enjoyable weekend that I've come to relish when I'm away from the city, but more of a snippy, sleepless, eye rolling, arguing, rainy sort of one.
Ellery is teething, which I'm sure many of you parents can understand, really, really sucks. She's miserable, then happy. Usually has at least four fingers in her mouth at one time and is drooling profusely. Is up at least once an hour, and doesn't just go back to sleep once you've been to see her, but instead screams at the top of her lungs until someone (aka ME) picks her up. She freaks if I'm not within eyesight, and most of the time when I'm not holding her.
Then because of the sleeplessness I'm a little irritable. And that is only made more clear when people are being assholes. I swear, this weekend it was like it was open season on assholes, and I was without my shotgun.
And now because I was so miserable all weekend, I've gotten myself into a sort of sad funk, which I'm finding it hard to get out of. It's been a long time since I felt so down, and I remember now...not fun.
Ah well, I'm hoping it will pass soon. But in the meantime, here are a couple pictures from the weekend:
That's Minnesota on the left.
-most embarrassing junior high moment
-how you and chris met
-your favorite vacation
-guilty pleasure
-typical day in the life