2. I've been so tired that my days are sort of all running together, and I hadn't even realized it had been so long since I posted! If I keep getting to sleep a few hours at night though, I'm hoping to spend this next week catching up with all of you, I've missed you guys! And, also...for the women who have given birth out there...you'll know what I mean when I say sitting on a hard chair for a couple hours in front of a computer is not exactly "comfortable" in the week or two after, ahem.
3. I have gift bags sitting all over my apartment with presents that I really need to start keeping track of. I think I'm going to start forgetting what is from who pretty soon, thus making my thank you cards a bit hellish.
4. My mom and I went out yesterday and I bought a new pair of flip flops, they are heavenly. I think someone else has them, or a pair similar, because they looked very familiar, but they are wonderful. I've been wearing them all day.
5. Oh wow, I'm quickly realizing that my life consists entirely of baby related stuff...holy. I really need to get back on track, or I fear soon everyone will forget about me!
6. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend, love and hugs from me to you. Hope to catch up soon!