Sunday, September 16, 2007


Oh man, it's been a busy week or so. Lots of stuff going on - big bosses in the office, social engagements, apartment modifications, girly meltdowns, long distance phone calls - all the usual events in my life, he he.
So, since I skipped blogging the last 4 or 5 days, I thought I would do one post to kind of sum up my recent activities...

Last Friday (as in the 7th, not the 14th) the husband and I went over to Zig and Alyssa's to watch movies and eat junk food. We ended up bringing chips and beverages...and eight chocolate bars. Yes, eight.
I was in the mood for chocolate, and after calling, found out Alyssa was too, so who can really narrow down what they want with something so general as chocolate? Turns out I was in the mood for chips and Pepsi too - so apparently any junk food would have done the trick.
Before we watched the movie though, the boys had to play Guitar Hero. Sigh, boys will be boys.

On Tuesday I was sitting at my desk, on a business call with one of my new clients and working very diligently like the devoted employee I am, when my phone began ringing in the middle of my call. Of course I ignored it, being that I was talking to the CEO of one of my new magazines, and a few moments later the light came on to tell me I had a voice mail.
After hanging up with my client I listened to my voice mail to hear that wonderful accent I've grown to love so much - it was Reggie! I don't know how you do it Reggie, but you always seem to know when I am in a meeting or in the middle of an important call.
I hollered at Zig for the address to the St. Croix web cam and told him to come to my office because Reggie had just called. He came down there and we shut the door, since we always put the phone on speaker so we can all talk.
Sure enough, Reggie was still standing in front of the harbour cam, and Zig and I giggled the whole time we talked about the weather, the snorkeling, Gigi, how hard we were working, how cheap the rum was there...
It was great, I love talking to Reggie - and Gigi too - too bad you weren't there for that phone call!

Wednesday I was in a meeting in my office when the phone rang again. I looked down to see the number and realized that it was the husband's cell phone. I quickly picked up the phone and said "Hi, I'm just in a meeting, can I call you back?" He said "Um, sure" so I hung up and continued on with my meeting.
About 3 minutes later, he's standing at my office door with flowers and a card for me! Awww, sometimes boys just get it. Thanks husband, you made my day.

Yesterday. Ugh. Yesterday was spent doing excruciating work. The husband conveniently had to "work" all weekend, so I spent the day dragging furniture into the middle of the bedroom, taking things off the walls, and taping out the carpet.
As you can see, our bedroom was a horrid colour of baby poo, which has actually been causing me quite a bit of grief lately.
For one, I liked this colour when we originally painted - sorry, when I originally painted - but it quickly began to grate on my nerves and I've been finding it hard to relax in there.
For two, before we move out we - sorry again, I - will have to paint it back to the original white anyways, or risk losing our $750 damage deposit.
For three, it's still warm enough now that I can have the windows open while I paint. Plus, I seriously couldn't stand the colour anymore, so it had to go.

It took 2 coats of primer (this is just the first one) to cover most of the hideous baby poo. I should have done one more, but by the end of the first 2 I was ready to snap - so that was all it got.

The finished product is Kitten White - awwww. Now to just put everything back in its place.
Actually, that will be another post because I'm re-arranging the whole thing too - I'm such a glutton for punishment.

And, a happy note to my hard-working weekend. Today I had a date with the Princess! It's been ages since we've seen each other, as the last 2 times we both had to cancel.
We went to my most favourite restaurant for lunch, and both decided to splurge and have dessert.
She ordered an ice cream sundae...and was presented with this tray of ice cream, whipped cream, a bowl of chopped nuts, her own personal sprinkle jar, a bowl of caramel, and a bowl of chocolate sauce. Good lord.
I had a chocolate molten lava cake which wasn't nearly as impressive, but delicious nonetheless.
Then we spent the afternoon with Krista and our friend Ashley at a baby shower for some great friends of ours.

So, it's been busy around here, but great too.


Blogger Princess of the Universe said...

Is it just me, or do my eyeballs look lopsided in that photo??
I am SOOO happy that I finally got to see you Ali!!

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where, oh where, is that restaurant that lets you build your own sundae??

8:45 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

m.n.d. - it's at Joey's beside Polo. Not the fish place, but the delicious one. Mmmm, so good!

9:49 PM  
Blogger Rock Chef said...

That sundae look amazing! I want one!

Glad you got rid of the baby poo - not a good colour!

Princess - no, you don't look lopsided to me.

4:07 AM  
Blogger mr zig said...

Who's that handsome guy on the couch with the fab legs? - oh wait! hhehe - thats me getting owned in Guitar Hero!

5:56 AM  
Blogger Rock Chef said...

Zig - I must admit that Chris looks like he is in the zone...

9:48 AM  
Blogger Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Your eyes look good to me...damn I hold the phone funny. Looks like I am doing curls or something.

I always enjoy talking to you guys.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist passing on an award to you...

7:09 AM  

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