Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good Grief...Where Do I Begin?

Life...has been absolutely insane the past month.
I'm surprised I haven't cracked yet. But it still might happen - and if it does...look out!

First there was the wedding. Pure craziness. I was in wedding-ville for 4 days. If I am never a bridesmaid again it will be too soon. No wait, that's not true. I would be a bridesmaid for Monica in a heartbeat.

Then there was the week of holidays I took. It was split between wedding stuff and Monica, so it wasn't really like a holiday at all. I did manage to have a somewhat relaxing day on my last day off though. Good times - oh yeah.

This week at work has been strangely calm. In an eerie sort of way. I've had lots to do but nothing was urgent - very peculiar.

The husband has also been gone since Monday morning on his annual fishing trip with my dad and brother. This has resulted in me going out on a date every night since he left. I caught up on some massive girl time - it was fantastic!

Tomorrow after work I'm heading to Ontario for the long weekend - I'm in need of some family time - plus, you know...husband time :)

Tomorrow morning is my "review" at work. It's a day late (more like 211 days late) and a dollar short (more like about $15,000 short) but it's a review just the same. Zig will be there to "review" me with my boss - uh oh.

And then, in between all of this, is you
So I apologize for being so bad with my blogging, I'll try hard to get back to every day.


Blogger Rock Chef said...

Great to see you back - you know how it is when someone doesn't post for a few days, we start to worry, hence my email...

Nice to hear that work has been easier this week too.

Have a great weekend!

3:18 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Get in where you fit in.

Pardon me for being more interested in hearing about your hubby's fishing trip. :D

8:03 AM  
Blogger krista said...

I had an awesome date with you and Princess this week! We need to do that more often!

8:15 AM  

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